5 REASONS TO NEVER SLEEP WITH MAKEUP ON We’ve all done it. After a long day at work or a long night on the town—or both—exhaustion leads us to skip our nightly skin care routines and head straight to bed for that sweet, sweet sleep. That means falling asleep a full face of makeup–foundation, eye shadow, mascara, the works! While it seems like the only option at the time, our skin is paying a price. From dark circles to breakouts to dullness, here are five reasons why the Artistry™ skincare experts at Amway say snoozing with your makeup on is the furthest thing from beauty sleep. 1. Clogged pores & breakouts Throughout the day our makeup acts like a magnet, holding onto harmful things like pollution or oil and residue from our hands and phones. Leaving that on your face overnight is like an open invitation for bacteria, clogged pores and breakouts. 2. Irritation While sleeping in eye makeup may sound very rock n’ roll, it’s far from glam. Not only can it irritate the delicate ...